Valentina Davila Equipment
Country: Puerto Rico Date of Birth: Valentina Davila is using JOOLA Vyzaryz Freeze for her blade. She is using JOOLA Dynaryz ACC for her forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: JOOLA
Country: Puerto Rico Date of Birth: Valentina Davila is using JOOLA Vyzaryz Freeze for her blade. She is using JOOLA Dynaryz ACC for her forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: JOOLA
Country: USA Date of Birth: 2004 Sid Naresh is using JOOLA Vyzaryz Trinity for his blade. He is using Dynaryz AGR for his forehand rubber and Dynaryz ACC for his
Country: Puerto Rico Date of Birth: 2009 Enrique Yezue Rios is using JOOLA Vyzaryz Freeze for his blade. He is using JOOLA Dynaryz ACC for his forehand and backhand rubbers.
Country: France Date of Birth: 2008 Leana Hochart is using JOOLA Rosskopf Emotion for her blade. She is using JOOLA Dynaryz ZGX for her forehand rubber and Dynaryz ACC for