Kao Cheng-Jui Equipment
Country: Chinese Taipei Born: December 25, 2004 Kao Cheng-Jui is using DHS Hurricane Long for his blade. He is using DHS Hurricane 3 National for his forehand. Blade: DHS Hurricane
Country: Chinese Taipei Born: December 25, 2004 Kao Cheng-Jui is using DHS Hurricane Long for his blade. He is using DHS Hurricane 3 National for his forehand. Blade: DHS Hurricane
Country: Japan Born: March 26, 1964 Toshihiko Oka is using Custom ALC Shakehand from Butterfly for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 80 for his forehand and Tenergy 25
Country: Montenegro Born: July 8, 2000 Filip Radovic is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Tenergy 05 for his forehand and backhand rubber. Blade: Butterfly Viscaria Forehand
Country: Chinese Taipei Born: July 20, 1984 Huang Yi-Hua is using a custom Innerfiber Super ZLC Shakehand from Butterfly for her blade. She is using Tenergy 05 Hard for her
Country: China Born: March 11, 2000 Jinnipa Sawettabut is using Timo Boll ZLC for her blade. She is using Tenergy 19 for her forehand rubber and Tenergy 05 for her
Country: India Born: April 2, 2003 Diya Chitale is using Innerforce Layer ZLC for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for her forehand and Butterfly Tenergy 05 for
Country: Romania Born: November 4, 2004 Elena Zaharia is using Mizutani Jun Super ZLC for her blade. She is using Butterfly Tenergy 19 for her forehand and backhand rubber. Blade:
Country: China Born: February 18, 2012 Zhu Qihui is using Harimoto Innerforce Super ZLC for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for her forehand and backhand rubber. Blade:
Country: Denmark Born: September 1, 1981 Michael Maze is using Timo Boll ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for his forehand and backhand rubber. Blade: Timo
Country: Chinese Taipei Born: October 24, 2008 Kuo Guan-Hong is using Timo Boll ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Tenergy 05 Hard for his forehand rubber and Dignics
Country: Japan Born: August 6, 2001 Yukiya Uda is using a custom Innerfiber ZLC Shakehand from Butterfly for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for his forehand and
Country: Japan Born: November 18, 2000 Yuta Tanaka is using Ovtcharov Innerforce ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for his forehand and backhand rubber. Blade: Ovtcharov
Country: India Born: September 26, 2004 Payas Jain is using Harimoto Innerforce ALC for his blade. He is using Tenergy 05 Hard for his forehand rubber and Butterfly Dignics 05
Country: Brazil Born: April 26, 1994 Eric Jouti is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for his forehand and backhand rubber. Blade: Butterfly Viscaria
Country: Austria Born: January 16, 1979 Robert Gardos is using Timo Boll ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Dignics 05 for
Country: Japan Born: April 14, 1999 Miyu Kato Equipment is using Innerforce Layer ZLC for her blade. She is using Tenergy 19 for her forehand rubber and Tenergy 80 for
Country: Netherlands Born: February 22, 1994 Britt Eerland is using Harimoto Innerforce ALC for her blade. She is using Dignics 09C for her forehand rubber and Dignics 05 for her
Country: Hong Kong Born: November 24, 1992 Lee Ho Ching is using a custom Super ZLC Shakehand from Butterfly for her blade. She is using Dignics 09C for her forehand
Country: India Born: April 14, 2000 Manav Vikash THAKKAR is using MK Carbon for his blade. He is using Evolution MX-P for his forehand rubber and HYBRID K3 for his
Country: Portugal Born: August 29, 1983 Joao Monteiro is using Viscaria Super ALC for his blade. He is using Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Dignics 05 for his
Country: Greece Born: March 8, 1972 Kalinikos Kreanga is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Dignics 64 for his forehand and backhand rubber. Blade: Butterfly Viscaria Forehand
Country: Germany Born: October 23, 1991 Thomas Schmidberger is using Apolonia ZLC for his blade. He is using Tenergy 05 for his forehand rubber and Tenergy 64 for his backhand
Country: Ecuador Born: August 21, 1990 Alberto Mino is using Ovtcharov Innerforce ALC for his blade. He is using Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Dignics 05 for his
Country: Puerto Rico Born: May 7, 1996 Melanie Diaz is using Revoldia CNF for her blade. She is using Impartial XS for her forehand rubber and Dignics 09C for her