Country: Czech Republic
Date of Birth: 2001
Jan Valenta is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade.
Forehand Rubber
Backhand Rubber
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Country: Czech Republic
Date of Birth: 2001
Jan Valenta is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade.
Forehand Rubber
Backhand Rubber
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Country: Croatia Date of Birth: January 8, 1992 Frane Kojic is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Tenergy 05 for his forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: Butterfly Viscaria
Country: USA Date of Birth: Andrew Charlie Huang is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: Butterfly Viscaria Forehand
Country: Canada Date of Birth: August 7, 2008 Li Zong Gang is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Butterfly
Country: Canada Date of Birth: 2006 Ching Nam Fu is using Butterfly Viscaria for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for her forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: Butterfly
Country: USA Date of Birth: Pradhan Chirag is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Butterfly Dignics 05 for his
Country: USA Date of Birth: 2007 Daniel Tran is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Butterfly Dignics 05 for