Country: Portugal
Date of Birth: February 16, 2008
Tiago Abiodun is using Tibhar Hybrid K3 for his forehand and backhand rubbers.
Forehand Rubber: Tibhar Hybrid K3
Backhand Rubber: Tibhar Hybrid K3
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Country: Portugal
Date of Birth: February 16, 2008
Tiago Abiodun is using Tibhar Hybrid K3 for his forehand and backhand rubbers.
Forehand Rubber: Tibhar Hybrid K3
Backhand Rubber: Tibhar Hybrid K3
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table tennis events.
Country: Chile Date of Birth: February 28, 1994 Gustavo Gomez is using Samsonov Stratus Carbon for his blade. He is using Tibhar Hybrid K3 for his forehand and backhand rubbers.
Country: China Date of Birth: Aleksi Rasanen is using Tibhar Fortino Pro for his blade. He is using Tibhar Hybrid K3 for his forehand rubber and Evolution MX-D for
Country: Romania Date of Birth: August 18, 2000 Andreea Dragoman is using Tibhar Fortino Force for her blade. She is using Tibhar Hybrid K3 for her forehand and backhand rubbers.
Country: Belgium Date of Birth: January 6, 1993 Cedric Nuytinck is using Nuytinck Hybrid ZC for his blade. He is using Evolution MX-P for his forehand rubber and Tibhar Hybrid
Country: Croatia Born: January 26, 1996 Tomislav Pucar is using Tibhar CCA Unlimited for his blade. He is using Hybrid K3 for his forehand rubber and Evolution MX-P for his backhand
Country: Germany Born: June 23, 2006 Annett Kaufmann is using Nuytinck Hybrid ZC for her blade. She is using Tibhar Hybrid K3 for her forehand and backhand rubber. Blade: Nuytinck