Country: Sweden
Born: February 16, 2002
Truls Moregardh is using Stiga Cybershape Carbon for his blade. He is using Stiga DNA Platinum XH for his forehand and backhand rubbers.
Blade: Stiga Cybershape Carbon
Forehand Rubber: Stiga DNA Platinum XH
Backhand Rubber: Stiga DNA Platinum XH
Truls Moregardh Equipment History
- In November 2021, Moregardh started using the Cybershape Carbon. The rest of that history. Truls popularize the Cybershape blade.Prior to this, he was using the conventional circular shape blade. Some of the blades Truls Moregardh used prior to the Cyber Shape Carbon were All Classic , Infinity , Carbonado 290, Carbonado 190 and Inspira CCF from Stiga. He also previously used rubbers such as Magna, Calibra LT, Mantra H, DNA Pro H and DNA Platinum XH. Here’s the official collaboration announcement between Truls Moregardh and Stiga.
Truls Moregardh playing with his signature blade.
Closer look of Stiga Cybershape Carbon blade and DNA Platinum XH rubbers used by Moregardh from the official Stiga Instragram page.