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Ma Long Facebook and Instagram

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Does Malong, Wang Chuqin, and Fan Zhendong have accounts in Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms?

I've seen some but they look like unofficial and fan-made accounts. Here are some list of Chinese table tennis players seemingly unofficial social media account with considerable number of followers.

1.  Malongfamily Fans Club   (Facebook)

2.  malong.captain (Instagram)

3. malong1020 (Instagram)

4. fanzhendong_0122 (Instagram)

5. wangchuqin_official (Instagram)

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They are all highly likely fan made accounts. Facebook and Instagram are banned in China. 

If you are interested following Chinese table tennis superstars, you can follow them thru China social media platforms like Weibo and Tiktok.

For example, the following are links to Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Wang Chuqin, Xu Xin, Sun Yinsha , Chen Meng,  social media accounts in Weibo

1. Ma Long 

2. Fan Zhendong

3. Wang Chuqin

4. Xu Xin

5. Sun Yingsha

6. Che Meng



