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When Singapore beats China in World Team Table Tennis Championship in 2010

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Did you that China has been defeated in World team Table Tennis Championships?

In 2010, Singapore beats China in Women's World Team Championship.

Team Singapore is composed of Feng Tianwei, Yu Mengyu, Wang Yuegu, Sun Beibei and Li Jiawei.

Team China is composed of Liu Shiwen, Guo Yan, Guo Yue, Ding Ning,  and Li Xiaoxia 

Team standing is 3-1 for Singapore


This topic was modified 3 weeks ago by mikosan

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All of these Singaporean table tennis players (Feng Tianwei, Yu Mengyu, Wang Yuegu, Sun Beibei and Li Jiawei) that beat China are actually Chinese born. Before they moved to Singapore they already have formal table tennis trainings in China with some popular sports school like Shichahai Sports School  and so they are already very good.


Chinese-born table tennis players moving to Singapore have been a trend for long until recently when they are doing grass roots development. Their top players, Zeng Jian and Izaac Quek, are native Singaporeans.

