Andrew Charlie Huang Equipment
Country: USA Date of Birth: Andrew Charlie Huang is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: Butterfly Viscaria Forehand
Country: USA Date of Birth: Andrew Charlie Huang is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: Butterfly Viscaria Forehand
Country: Hong Kong Date of Birth: October 8, 1984 Huanjun Jiang is using Butterfly Tenergy 80 for her forehand rubber and Butterfly Speedy PO for her backhand rubber. Forehand Rubber:
Country: Austria Date of Birth: December 9, 1988 Stefan Fegerl is using Timo Boll ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Tenergy 05 for his forehand and backhand. Blade:
Country: Romania Date of Birth: May 7, 1980 Adrian Crisan is using Butterfly Tenergy 05 for his forehand rubber and Buttterfly BRSFX for his forehand rubber. Forehand Rubber: Butterfly Tenergy
Country: Chinese Taipei Date of Birth: July 24, 1976 Chiang Peng-Lung is using Butterfly Tenergy 05 for his forehand and backhand rubbers. Forehand Rubber: Butterfly Tenergy 05 Backhand Rubber: Butterfly
Country: Canada Date of Birth: August 7, 2008 Li Zong Gang is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Butterfly
Country: USA Date of Birth: Ewan Zhang is using Fan Zhendong ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: Fan Zhendong ALC
Country: USA Date of Birth: 2008 Amy Zhang is using Butterfly Diode V for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for her forehand rubber and Butterfly Impartial XS
Country: USA Date of Birth: November 8, 2007 Victor Xie is using Ovtcharov Innerforce ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand and backhand rubbers.
Country: Canada Date of Birth: 1997 Totkalo Vladyslav is using Timo Boll ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Butterfly Dignics 05
Country: USA Date of Birth: Zichun Shen is using Timo Boll ALC for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for her forehand rubber and Impartial XS for her
Country: USA Date of Birth: Yashraj Shah is using Timo Boll ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Butterfly Dignics 05 for
Country: USA Date of Birth: January 17, 2009 Genelia William is using Timo Boll ALC for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for her forehand rubber and Butterfly
Country: Chile Date of Birth: May 30, 1995 Alfonso Andres Olave is using Timo Boll ZLC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand and backhand
Country: Guatemala Date of Birth: 2009 Ian Morales is using Mizutani Jun ZLC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for his forehand rand backhand rubbers. Blade: Mizutani
Country: USA Date of Birth: November 2, 2009 Ryan Lin is using Butterfly Viscaria Super ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for his forehand rubber and
Country: USA Date of Birth: September 22, 2012 Anagha Kasichainula is using Timo Boll ALC for her blade. She is using Butterfly Tenergy 05 for her forehand and backhand rubbers.
Country: Antigua and Barbuda Date of Birth: 2009 Stuti Kashyap is using Ovtcharov Innerforce ALC for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for her forehand rubber and Butterfly
Country: Canada Date of Birth: 2006 Ching Nam Fu is using Butterfly Viscaria for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for her forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: Butterfly
Country: USA Date of Birth: Pradhan Chirag is using Butterfly Viscaria for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand rubber and Butterfly Dignics 05 for his
Country: Canada Date of Birth: 2007 Natalie Chan is using Timo Boll ALC for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for her forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: Timo
Country: Colombia Date of Birth: November 1, 2008 Sebastian Bedoya is using Timo Boll ALC for his blade. He is using Butterfly Dignics 09C for his forehand and backhand rubber.
Country: Canada Date of Birth: Cindy Zhu is using Butterfly Viscaria Super ALC for her blade. She is using Impartial XB for her forehand rubber and Butterfly Dignics 05 for her
Country: USA Date of Birth: May 14, 2011 Irene Yeoh is using Apolonia ZLC for her blade. She is using Butterfly Dignics 05 for her forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade: