![Giorgia Piccolin Profile Picture](https://app-tabletennis.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/players/Giorgia+Piccolin++Profile+Picture.jpg)
Country: Italy
Date of Birth: January 15, 1996
Giorgia Piccolin is using Tibhar Shang Kun Hybrid ZC for her blade. She is using EVOLUTION MX-P for her forehand rubber.
Blade: Tibhar Shang Kun Hybrid ZC
Forehand Rubber: EVOLUTION MX-P
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Country: Italy
Date of Birth: January 15, 1996
Giorgia Piccolin is using Tibhar Shang Kun Hybrid ZC for her blade. She is using EVOLUTION MX-P for her forehand rubber.
Blade: Tibhar Shang Kun Hybrid ZC
Forehand Rubber: EVOLUTION MX-P
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table tennis events.
Country: Slovakia Date of Birth: March 18, 1997 Deni Kozul is using Timo Boll ALC for his blade. He is using Evolution MX-P for his forehand and backhand rubbers. Blade:
Country: Belarus Date of Birth: April 17, 1976 Vladimir Samsonov is using Tibhar Fortino Pro for his blade. He is using Tibhar Evolution MX-P for his forehand rubber and Evolution
Country: Belgium Date of Birth: January 6, 1993 Cedric Nuytinck is using Nuytinck Hybrid ZC for his blade. He is using Evolution MX-P for his forehand rubber and Tibhar Hybrid
Country: Czechia Date of Birth: November 20, 1992 Pavel Sirucek is using Samsonov Force Pro for his blade. He is using Tibhar Evolution MX-P for his forehand and backhand rubbers.
Country: Australia Date of Birth: January 5, 1987 Min Hyung Jee is using Tibhar Evolution MX-P for her forehand rubber. She is using TSP Curl P1R for her backhand rubber.
Country: Croatia Born: January 26, 1996 Tomislav Pucar is using Tibhar CCA Unlimited for his blade. He is using Hybrid K3 for his forehand rubber and Evolution MX-P for his backhand