Simon Gauzy Equipment

Simon Gauzy Profile Picture

Country: France

Born: October 25, 1994

Simon Gauzy  is using Andro Gauzy SL OFF for his blade. He is using Andro Rasanter R53 for his forehand and Andro Rasanter R50 for his backhand.

Blade: Andro Gauzy SL OFF

Forehand Rubber: Andro Rasanter R53

Backhand Rubber: Andro Rasanter R50

Simon Gauzy   Blade (Andro Gauzy SL OFF)
Andro Gauzy SL OFF

Forehand Rubber

Simon Gauzy Forehand Rubber (Andro Rasanter R53)
Andro Rasanter R53

Backhand Rubber

Simon Gauzy  Backhand Rubber (Andro Rasanter R50)
Andro Rasanter R50

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