Table Tennis Racket
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Table Tennis Racket

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What is the best table tennis racket set-up?

This topic was modified 2 months ago by boyamaw

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There is no "best". Racket set-up depends on what type of player you are. For example, if you are offensive player, go for carbon blade + high speed rubbers. If you are a looper, go for all-wood blades and so on ad so forth. 


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A common mistake is that people buy an expensive blade and think that higher price = better. For all beginners - I mean all, without exception - a carbon blade with high speed rubbers (those are generally the most expensive set ups) are too fast.

I've seen many kids coming back to practice after christmas and they have received 'a real table tennis racket' from their kind fathers or onkels. So instead of a five ply wood with 'medium' rubbers they come with a much more offensive set up. And they start to miss. Balls fly long.

They can't control it. (And nor can their dads).

And their dads are disappointed on their sons who play so bad despite having similar equpment as Ma Long or Timo Boll..

So my advise is always a five ply wood blade from a well known brand. When they no longer need to ask on a forum anymore then upgrade. But then they should also know how to at least somewhat consistently loop on both wings, have created a basic game plan, knows how to push long and short, has developed at least a couple decent serves and know basics in serve receive.

This takes time, it is difficult enough for most with a beginner friendly control blade. It will be much more difficult to learn proper technique if the racket is to fast.

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I am just a beginner player. I still don't know what type of table tennis player I am but I hope to develop an all-around game. 



That make sense. I am on a limited budget so I definitely won't be buying an expensive racket set-up. Either a  low price carbon blade + moderate speed rubber or a high-end all-wood blade + moderate speed rubber. 


Still not familiar with n-ply wood blade but five ply wood blade seems to be on the low price end so I would definitely be considering that. 


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If you really are a beginner (and not just very humble) then don't even consider a carbon blade yet.

What choices of wood blades do you have? Any brand?

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The cheaper brands like Sanwei and Yinhe. Yeah. Not start with carbon blades for a beginner seems to be a conclusive advice.


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Maybe look for something like Sanwei Dynamo then with softer / medium fast rubbers if you want to develope an all around offensive play.

Other brands to look for when it comes to price and what they offer is Stiga and Yasaka. Yasaka Sweden Extra is a blade that can be used for a long time developing your game, then move to something like Stiga Clipper (similiar Sanwei FEXTRA 7?) before carbon.

There are many highly skiilled players that play on all wood blades so it is a matter of feeling in the end. Of course there are intermediate players that play with fast outerlayer carbon blades as well, and argue that it suit them better.

If you have a club / coach ask him or her. They know better than I do what suit you the best!

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Will definitely consider all those suggestions. Sanwei and Yinhe came first to my mind because I know their official store distributors here in the Philippines.

I appreciate the recommendations.


